Greece The Minoans Activity
Picturing Life at the Palace
Since we can't read Minoan script, we have relied on their art to "get a picture" of how the Minoans lived. For today's activity you may work with a partner to create one part of a Minoan mural on an 11" X 17" piece of paper. For your mural piece, you may do one of two things: 1) You may use one of the themes found in Minoan art to re-create the past for our classroom mural, or 2) you may create an original piece of art to tell future generation about life in Seattle. If you choose option 2, I still want you to design your art in the Minoan tradition. That means create your art just as the Minoans did. Be bold and add rich colors to your work. And, most of all, make sure your art displays a sense of fun and showcases how proud you are to live in Seattle. These will go on display.
For inspiration, watch the slide show one more time.
For inspiration, watch the slide show one more time.