Maya Master Builders Activity
It's all Part of the Plan
Now that you know a bit more about the great city-states created by the Maya, I want you to put your knowledge to work. Think about the common features found in each Maya city-state and then draw up a plan for a brand-new Maya city, one of your own design.
Before beginning to create your city-plan, make a plan. You are welcome to further your knowledge by completing some focused online research about Maya city-states. Then, think about location. Maya city-states were spread across a wide area of Central America. What are the natural features of the landscape of your new Maya city-state? Think about the size of your city-state. Location and size - large or small - for instance, may determine how you source or build your city's water supply, as well as the number of cenotes or temples you include in your Maya city-state plan.
Before beginning to create your city-plan, make a plan. You are welcome to further your knowledge by completing some focused online research about Maya city-states. Then, think about location. Maya city-states were spread across a wide area of Central America. What are the natural features of the landscape of your new Maya city-state? Think about the size of your city-state. Location and size - large or small - for instance, may determine how you source or build your city's water supply, as well as the number of cenotes or temples you include in your Maya city-state plan.
While planning your city, think about scale and how the different elements of a Maya city-state fit together. When you are ready to begin sketching, please grab two sheets of 11" X 17" paper. On the first sheet draw your city plan. Be sure to include and label all of the city-plan elements listed below. On your second sheet of paper, complete a sketch of at least one part of your new city. You may work with one partner on this activity.
Please include all of the following and label them on your city's plan: temple(s), pyramid temple(s), palace, plaza(s), cenote(s), ball court(s), marketplace, stela (stelae).
Please include all of the following and label them on your city's plan: temple(s), pyramid temple(s), palace, plaza(s), cenote(s), ball court(s), marketplace, stela (stelae).
Site Seeing
Maya city-states were magnificent. And, while they all shared common characteristics, the features of the landscape and the its access to natural resources and to other city-states would have helped determine each city's own unique qualities.
For this part of the activity, you will work with partners to research a major Maya city-state and collaborate to create a travel brochure for it. Your travel brochure should highlight the special features of the city-state you choose.
For this part of the activity, you will work with partners to research a major Maya city-state and collaborate to create a travel brochure for it. Your travel brochure should highlight the special features of the city-state you choose.
Before you begin to design your your city-state brochure, as team you should divide up research duties. Each team member will post notes and research information on the brochure organizer provided. There is enough work to share. Every group member is responsible for completing their assigned tasks.
- Brief summary of the city-state's setting, with highlights of important places
- Location, including a map
- Geographical features (mountains, rivers, ocean, for example)
- Historic sites and landmarks
- Things to do, including festivals, entertainment, recreation and outdoor activities
- Climate and overall weather conditions
- Arts and culture, including unique political, religious and social details
- Food
- Pictures/Graphics
- Quotes from previous "visitors" to your city-state.
Before you begin to design your your city-state brochure, as team you should divide up research duties. Each team member will post notes and research information on the brochure organizer provided. There is enough work to share. Every group member is responsible for completing their assigned tasks.
Things to Do: Photos need to be gathered and short articles and photo captions need to be assigned and written.
- Articles should have a good lead sentence that draws the reader into the adventure of visiting your city-state. Include at least three details in your short article and vary your sentence structure to make your writing more interesting. Tie up your writing with a solid concluding sentence that leaves the reader/traveler wanting to find out more. Before posting to your brochure, all work needs to be revised and edited. Be sure to check spelling and punctuation.
- Photos should relate to the topics of your research. Include 5-10 photos in your brochure. Each photo of set of photos should have a caption and contain information not included or evident in the photo(s).
- Once a team member has completed his or her individual tasks, work may begin on the final team product. Work from every team member must be included.